
论文快递: 第二百一十期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第二百一十期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的四篇论文和Volume 60, Issue 9中的一篇论文。主题包括城市能源转型,种族主义与“红线政策”(Redlining),建成环境与交通偏好,经济适用房的街区尺度供需关系,及城市关键基础设施与新冠疫情。欢迎阅读。


Cities looking for waste heat: The dilemmas of energy and industry nexuses in French metropolitan areas


Antoine Fontaine(法国国家科学研究中心)Laurence Rocher(法国里昂第二大学)首次出版时间:2023/07/07|研究论文
AbstractThe sharp increase in and volatility of fossil fuel prices, due in particular to the Russian–Ukrainian conflict, is a powerful incentive for cities to accelerate their energy transition. Yet urban authorities have limited power over the construction of energy policies and the management of networks, and they remain dependent on remote and mainly carbon-intensive imported sources of energy. The recovery of waste heat from waste incineration or industrial emissions and its use in heating networks represents a solution for cities to control part of their energy supply, to develop their own capacities for action and to implement local transition strategies, in addition to the development of renewable energies. Based on the analysis of four case studies in France between 2019 and 2022, in the context preceding the current energy crisis, this article examines how cities are trying to develop waste heat recovery and the role this energy resource plays in the decarbonisation of urban energy systems. The analysis highlights that the emergence of these projects is more broadly part of the renegotiation dynamics of energy, ecological and economic relationships between cities and industries, and that their implementation results in the construction of new urban energy nexuses. The use of waste heat makes it possible to improve the energy efficiency of industrial and urban energy systems, sometimes significantly, but it must be seen as a transitional solution because it can temporarily increase cities’ dependency on high-carbon and energy-inefficient industrial activities.

化石燃料价格的飙升和波动( 特别是由于俄乌冲突造成的)是城市加速能源转型的强大动力。然而,城市当局对能源政策的制定和能源网络的管理权力有限,他们仍然依赖遥远的、主要是碳密集型的进口能源。从垃圾焚烧或工业排放中回收废热并将其用于供热网络,为城市提供了一种解决方案,使城市可控制其部分能源供应、发展其自身行动能力和实施地方转型战略,此外还可以发展可再生能源。基于对2019年至2022年期间法国四个案例研究的分析,在当前能源危机的背景下,本文考察了城市如何尝试发展余热回收以及这种能源资源在城市能源系统去碳化过程中所发挥的作用。分析强调,这些项目的出现是城市和产业之间更广泛的能源、生态和经济关系重新协商动态的一部分,它们的实施构建了新的城市能源纽带。余热的利用使工业和城市能源系统的能源效率得以提高,有时甚至是显著提高,但必须将其视为一种过渡性的解决方案,因为它可能暂时增加城市对高碳和低能效工业活动的依赖。


energy transition, infrastructure, public policy, urban nexus, waste heat



Federal ‘redlining’ maps: A critical reappraisal


Scott Markley(美国康奈尔大学)首次出版时间:2023/07/07|辩论文章

In the past decade, the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation’s (HOLC) so-called ‘redlining’ maps have gone from a niche corner of urban historical scholarship to the centre of mainstream narratives about racism in the United States. In this paper, I map this journey and trace the contours of the ongoing debates that have emerged, identifying two competing camps I call ‘HOLC Culpablism’ and ‘HOLC Scepticism’. Finding these perspectives to have run up against their self-imposed limitations, I outline a research agenda that breaks from the debate’s narrow confines by envisioning HOLC’s mapping materials anew. My proposed approach recasts the maps and their accompanying field notes as windows into the governing racial–spatial ideology of 20th-century US real estate capital. In doing so, it invites researchers to reimagine the map grades as dynamic categories reflecting a particular spatiotemporal conception of value that is highly contingent on an area’s estimated racial trajectory. This reformulation, I argue, not only opens new possibilities for studying the HOLC mapping programme but suggests that the power of these maps has almost certainly been underestimated.


在过去的十年里,房主贷款公司(HOLC)所谓的 “红线政策 “地图已经从城市历史学术研究的一个小角落走到了美国种族主义主流讨论的中心。本文描绘了这一历程,并考察了仍在进行中的辩论已展现出的轮廓,确定了两个相对的阵营,本文称之为 “HOLC罪责论 “和 “HOLC怀疑论”。本文发现这些观点都有自我局限性,因此勾勒了一个研究议程,通过重新设想HOLC的绘图材料,打破了辩论的狭隘范围。本文提出的方法是将这些地图及其附带的实地记录作为了解20世纪美国房地产资本主要种族空间意识形态的窗口。在此过程中,我们邀请研究人员将地图等级重新想象为反映特定时空价值概念的动态类别,而这种价值概念高度依赖于一个地区估计的种族轨迹。本文认为,这种重新表述不仅为研究HOLC绘图计划提供了新的可能性,而且表明这些地图的影响肯定是被低估了。


geography, housing, history, Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, redlining, United States


地理、住房、历史、房主贷款公司 (HOLC)、红线政策、美国

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980231182336


Linking residential mobility with daily mobility: A three-wave cross-lagged panel analysis of travel mode choices and preferences pre–post residential relocation in the Netherlands


Yinhua Tao(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学)首次出版时间:2023/07/07|研究论文
AbstractThe causal impact of the built environment on travel behaviours is a subject of debate. This debate especially concerns the independent effect of the built environment on the observed travel patterns after taking into account residential self-selection arising from pre-existing travel-related attitude. This study argues that travel attitude varies over time, and thus, is also reshaped by residential built environment and interrelated with residents’ travel behaviours. Focusing on the event of residential relocation in the Netherlands, this study longitudinally investigated the interrelations between travel mode choices and preferences before, immediately after and a year after the relocation. Results from the random-intercept cross-lagged panel models substantiated the residential self-selection based on the pre-relocation preferences for motorised means of transport, including cars and public transport. Moreover, travel mode preferences varied to a greater extent than travel mode use pre–post relocation, and especially, frequent use of public transport or bicycles stimulated by the new place of residence had a one-year lagged effect on developing the mode preference. Therefore, the structural role of residential built environment manifests as (re)shaping travel mode choices as well as mode-specific preferences in the process of residential relocation.

建成环境与交通行为之间的因果关系是一个有争议的话题。在考虑到预先存在的与交通有关的态度所产生的居住自选择之后, 这场争论特别关注建成环境对所遵循的交通模式的独立影响。本研究认为,交通态度随着时间的推移而变化,因此,也受住宅建成环境影响,并与居民的交通行为相关。本研究以荷兰的住宅搬迁事件为重点,纵向调查了搬迁前、搬迁后和搬迁后一年的交通方式选择和偏好之间的关系。随机截距交叉滞后面板模型的结果证实了居住自选择基于搬迁前对机动交通手段(包括汽车和公共交通工具)的偏好。此外,出行方式偏好的变化程度比搬迁前后所使用的出行方式的变化程度要大,特别是新居住地会刺激人们频繁使用公共交通或自行车,这对出行方式偏好的发展有一年的滞后影响。因此,住宅建成环境的结构性作用表现为在住宅搬迁过程中(再)影响出行方式的选择以及对具体方式的偏好。

Keywords longitudinal designs, neighbourhood effects, Netherlands, residential self-selection, travel behaviour




Exploring mismatch in within-metropolitan affordable housing in the United States


Seungbeom Kang(韩国延世大学)

Jae Sik Jeon(韩国建国大学)

Whitney Airgood-Obrycki(美国哈佛大学)



Despite numerous studies and measures that quantify the extent of the shortage in affordable housing for low-income renter households, few studies address potential neighbourhood-level mismatch between affordable housing supply and demand. To fill this research gap, this study investigates whether neighbourhood-level imbalance exists between the number of low-income renters and the number of rental units that are affordable and available to them within the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the USA. It also explores under which metropolitan-level conditions, such an imbalance (measured using the dissimilarity index between low-income renters and rental units affordable to them) is likely to be most severe. The study found that certain neighbourhoods within each metropolitan area contain rental unit surpluses affordable to a particular low-income group and such units substantially decline as the study considers the availability of these affordable stocks. Multivariate analyses reveal that certain metropolitan-level contexts contribute to the imbalance in affordable rental units across low-income groups. These findings imply that various efforts, such as reducing the mismatch between low-wage jobs and workers, providing affordable housing in suburban areas or relaxing local regulatory environments for residential development, may be effective in improving housing affordability imbalance across low-income groups at the local level.



Keywordsaffordable housing, dissimilarity index, metropolitan areas, rental affordability, spatial imbalance




Spatialising urban health vulnerability: An analysis of NYC’s critical infrastructure during COVID-19


Gayatri Kawlra(美国哥伦比亚大学)
Kazuki Sakamoto(美国哥伦比亚大学)首次出版时间:2021/10/01|研究论文
AbstractThis paper examines how fragmentation of critical infrastructure impacts the spread of the coronavirus outbreak in New York City at the neighbourhood level. The location of transportation hubs, grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals and parks plays an important role in shaping spatial disparities in virus spread. Using supervised machine learning and spatial regression modelling we examine how the geography of COVID-19 case rates is influenced by the spatial arrangement of four critical sectors of the built environment during the public health emergency in New York City: health care facilities, mobility networks, food and nutrition and open space. Our models suggest that an analysis of urban health vulnerability is incomplete without the inclusion of critical infrastructure metrics in dense urban geographies. Our findings show that COVID-19 risk at the zip code level is influenced by (1) socio-demographic vulnerability, (2) epidemiological risk, and (3) availability and access to critical infrastructure.


本文研究关键基础设施的碎片化对纽约市冠状病毒社区传播爆发的影响。交通枢纽、杂货店、药房、医院和公园的位置在决定病毒传播的空间差异方面起着重要作用。我们利用监督机器学习和空间回归模型,研究了在纽约市该突发公共卫生事件期间,新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 发病率的地理分布如何受到建筑环境中四个关键要素的空间排列的影响,这四个要素即医疗保健设施、移动网络、食物和营养以及开放空间。我们的模型表明,如果不将密集城市地理中的关键基础设施指标包括在内,对城市健康漏洞的分析将是不完整的。我们的研究结果表明,邮政编码级别的新冠肺炎风险受 (1) 社会人口脆弱性、(2) 流行病学风险和 (3) 关键基础设施的可用性和可访问性的影响。

Keywordsbuilt environment, health, inequality, infrastructure, machine learning, social justice, spatial regression analysis





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